Saturday, July 26, 2008

Kicinich in Wonderland!

Dennis Kucinich is truly living in Wonderland. Sadly, as I read the comments on CNN regarding the Congressman's latest attempt to introduce articles of impeachment against George Bush, it seems that many Americans have joined him. Repeated cries of "Impeach Bush" smack of everything from ignorance to revenge to desperation. Fortunately, they have little connection to reality and at least the majority of the Congress understands that. But, as I said, one of the things this call smacks of is ignorance and sadly, many Americans have not even read the Constitution - the very document they claim the President has violated. I know this because if they had read it, not only would they know that the President hasn't violated the Constitution, but they would also know that things like healthcare, abortion, gay marriage and education are not within the authority of the federal government to regulate - instead they are the responsibilities of the states.

Next, I mention revenge - specifically for the impeachment of President Clinton. Well, as I have said many times, President Clinton was not, I repeat, WAS NOT impeached for having an affair. He was also not impeached for lying about the affair in his famous "I did not have sexual relations" speech. President Clinton was impeached for the crime of perjury. If you consult a dictionary, perjury is defined as "the willful giving of false testimony under oath or affirmation, before a competent tribunal, upon a point material to a legal inquiry." The fact that he gave false testimony about the affair is irrelevant. He could have lied about what he had for breakfast that morning. It doesn't matter. The point is he lied, under oath. That is a felony. As a lawyer, he should be well aware of the definition of perjury...even if he doesn't know the exact definition of the word "is." He also willingly obstructed the investigation. Another impeachable offense.

Lastly, I mention desperation. People are so emotional about Bush that they will do anything to see him out of office - even make up claims. But, President Bush has committed no crimes against US laws or the Constitution. All his actions have been taken with the full advice and consent of the Congress - per the requirements of the Constitution. If they hadn't been, he WOULD have been impeached long ago. There is no evidence he knowingly used false reasons for invading Iraq. All the intelligence we had from our own sources as well as those of other countries pointed to Saddam Hussein working hard to develop chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. In fact, Hussein admitted as much in his ~12,000 page report to the UN - he said he destroyed the programs. So, if he destroyed them, he must have had them in the first place. The problem is that his say-so that he destroyed them wasn't enough. The UN resolutions required verification and Hussein didn't cooperate fully - in some cases, barely at all.

It's ironic, actually. We went into Iraq in the first place to support 14 UN resolutions calling for Iraq to disarm. The UN is the Demo-libs' baby and we're supposed to kowtow to it's alleged wisdom and authority. So why do people get all in a tizzy when we decide to put teeth behind the UN's resolutions? The resolutions did say (to paraphrase) destroy and verify or else. Well, we finally provided the or else. We weren't alone, either, you know. Is the UN calling for war-crimes trials against the US or any of its leaders? Not that I've heard. After all, only they can truly try someone for global issues and general crimes against humanity...not us. I mean, we don't run the world. We may fund, feed, clothe, medicate, rescue, rebuild and defend much of the world, acts for which we get little or no credit or praise whatsoever, but we don't run it. However, the Demo-libs think we are trying to. And because of their anger that their golden boy fell from grace, they will continue to cry impeachment anytime a Republican President says "boo."

Personally, I think the "party of the people" should stick to what it has historically been best at:

* raising taxes
* increasing spending
* raising the rate of inflation
* chasing businesses and jobs overseas with over-regulation
* limiting the free speech of its opponents
* keeping minorities down and buying votes with impotent social programs
* usurping the rights of the states to govern themselves
* allowing run-away public excesses of otherwise private behavior
* limiting citizen's rights to protect themselves
* stealing citizens' homes in the name of eminent domain
* protecting murderers from execution while allowing late term abortions

Surely, with all these things on their agenda, they should have little time to add the folly of inappropriate impeachment proceedings.

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