Those adjectives, contradictory and mutually exclusive as they may be, begin to explain how I feel on Super Tuesday. Oh, I voted, alright, but I didn't actually vote for anyone today...and I won't be voting for anyone in November. Nope, today, my vote was against someone, as it will be in November.
You're confused? Think how I feel! The problem I am facing is that with Fred Thompson out of the race, there are no candidates for whom I can muster any great enthusiasm. I know who I don't want for one or more reasons. But, when I remove those people from the equation, what's left leaves me feeling like I just ate a three course meal made entirely of air...I not only want more...I need more.
Not one of the candidates really speaks for me. With two of them, it's actually painful to listen to them say anything (one from each party). Another says some things I like, but his chances make the perverbial "snowball's chance in hell" seem like a sure thing. So, I'm left with luke warm enthusiasm as I prepare for a general presidential election where I cannot play wide-receiver or punter. Instead, I'm just a tackle - my only job to sack the other team's QB before he can pass.
I know defense has it's place - they're important, too. But I've been doing that so long. The last really enthusiastic vote I cast for President was my first in 1984, for Ronald Reagan. Since then, it's been down hill. I'd like to think we've hit bottom, but people can get pretty banal, so it could get worse.
God help us if it does.