Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Political Cartoonist Whining

By now, I should be used to the particular brand of editorial tripe published on a daily basis by the Hartford Courant, but today, they have actually surprised me. This morning's cartoon by Bob Englehart's depicted Bush Advisor Karl Rove reading a newspaper story about the poisoning of the Ukraine's opposing presidential candidate and musing "Why didn't I think of that?"

Just when I think the fanatical left has gone as low as they can, they prove me wrong and sink one step lower. To call it tasteless is an understatement. Reprehensible isn't even strong enough. I think my first reaction may been on the money:

"WAH WAH WAH...my candidate lost!
WAH WAH WAH...it's a right-wing conspiracy!
WAH WAH WAH...the Republicans are all a bunch of big meanies!

Oh, grow up already! Rank and file Republicans are shaking their heads. Rank and file Democrats are probably embarrassed. Mr. Englehart and the Courant's editorial board should be hanging their heads and apologizing. To actually believe that this is the way rational people think - whether on the political right OR left - is laughable. To have actually printed it - is sad.

If you really WANT to create broad-spectrum inter-party hatred, you are on the right path. But I ask you, after all the people you have turned against one another in order to elevate sales have finally killed eachother off...how will you stay in business? I mean, puppies need someone to buy your paper and lay it on the floor so its true usefulness can be realized.

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