A collection of my thoughts on politics, society, technology, life...whatever...read and enjoy...and think!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Country Needs New Glasses
All that being said, I am bothered by what I have seen in this country since the election: poor winners. As much as the Democrats and Liberals have decried what they perceived as divisiveness by the Republicans and Conservatives over the past 8 years, they wasted no time diving in to the deep end of the "us and them" pool since their candidate won. Isn't this behavior supposed to be wrong...for everyone? Isn't it hurtful?
I have seen anti-Sarah Palin sites and postings, George Bush count-down clocks, impeach Bush movements. I even saw someone say someone else's opinion about the country's treatment of President Bush was wrong. And the language: hateful, vitriolic, aggressive, threatening, insulting, vulgar, base, crass...you get the point. Is this what the country has to expect for the next four years? A malignancy of discourse so repugnant and offensive that it scarcely seems worth writing, let alone reading? Is this what we have become?
Some will say it's President Bush's fault for starting it. That's it - the little kid's argument from the playground: "he started it." But, as adults, aren't we supposed to end it by not giving in to the need to spit back. I can hear it now - the religious mockery with people saying "Bush reaps what he sowed" but tell me, honestly, what rights did you lose under President Bush? What freedoms were taken? How did the President lie to you and about what? Remember - a lie requires deliberate intent to mislead...can you prove that? How? And conspiracy theories don't count. Do you have hard evidence of intent and action. Would it stand up in court? Acting on bad information isn't lying - it's just being wrong.
Look, what we had wasn't perfect, but neither is what's coming. Neither one hates this country and both want the same things - a safe, secure, prosperous and happy country. It's only methods that differ, not intent. As citizens, we just vote for the one we think has the ideas we believe will work.
I hope those of you who elected Mr. Obama will be brave enough to look at him through the same smudged and dirty glasses you used on Mr. Bush. Be as critical, and cynical, and quick to condemn. Hold his feet to the proverbial fire every minute of every day of his administration - be it four or eight years long. Use the same yardstick to measure him to that you used to measure the current President. Be the first to post everyone of his verbal gaffs on You Tube (c). That's the stuff real courage and loyalty are made from.
Then, in your free time, put on the other glasses - you know the ones, the rose-colored ones though which you watched Mr. Obama rise to glory, and look back at things President Bush did. You may find that he wasn't the ogre you pretended he was. Instead, he was just a man dealing with one of the most difficult times in our country's history the best way his education, experience and conscience told him.
Personally, I have already resolved to be a loyal opposition to Mr. Obama. I will praise when warranted, criticize when necessary and work very hard to make sure I don't let rhetoric cloud my judgment about which is appropriate.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Should I Stay or Should I Go???
It's interesting that I never hear Republican's or Conservatives saying that they'll leave if their candidate isn't elected. Perhaps it's because we know that regardless of who wins, it's still our country. In this case, it may also be because if Obama does win, we'll all have a lot of work to do to clean up all the messes he'll make.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Something to Lighten the Mood
A lot of people at work are comparing notes on where their investments are, how stable or not, how much they dropped. I don't do that. In spite of my blatantly outgoing nature, there are some things I do keep private. So, if you would like to keep people from pestering you about your investments and stay out of the economy war-story swap-a-thons, just tell them what I say.
"I use the investment firm of Mason Talon and Winchester. I have mason jars buried in the yard, a zipper on the side of my mattress and a shotgun next to the bed. I'm all set!"
It works every time.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Follow-on Debate Question
Senator Obama said (and I paraphrase) that he wants to drill for domestic oil and gas, repair roads and bridges, build windmills, create a solar power infrastructure, create bio-fuel refineries and build nuclear power plants. I presume that since he also wants to create jobs, one thing he is looking at is bolstering our sagging manufacturing industries by having the US make more goods, especially in light of the environmental scares associated with buying everything from toxic China.
Senator Obama also said he wants every child to go to college in this country. Well, if he achieves that goal, just who does he suppose is going to do all the drilling, repairing, building and manufacturing? People with college degrees don't do those types of jobs. Or, maybe, that's what he wants all the illegal aliens for.
It's a sad state of affairs when a nation, its leaders or prospective leaders only measure success by the attainment of a college degree. It is this misconception, that everyone must go to college, that has helped fuel the decline of our nation's manufacturing infrastructure, trades and service industries. Not everyone is suited for college. That statement is not meant as a derision of the intelligence or talent of people who don't attend college. Instead, it is a recognition of the diversity of talent that abounds in our nation.
Some people will find their success along a path that does not include college. To force them to do something that stalls, inhibits or prevents them from realizing and contributing to their fullest potential because it doesn't support someone's personal measure of success is narrow minded and short sighted. It cheapens them, and it also cheapens those do attend college.
Everybody ought to feel as though their job is important enough for them to wear a tuxedo or formal gown to work, even if it is wholly impractical to do so. Our leaders need to recognize that and not make pursuing a life without college as somehow beneath a person's dignity.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
When the Party's Over!
My position??? Sure, why not?!?
Now I know what you're going to say...I'm giving in to liberals. Perhaps they may think so, but I'm not giving in to anyone. I said "sure, why not" because it doesn't matter. These are primaries. Political parties are nothing more than private clubs trying to pick which of their members they wish to financially endorse for a particular political office. Let people vote at 10 in primaries. Hold contests for kindergarteners and let the one that draws the best picture of the White House pick the nominee. Survey Outer Mongolia while you're at it for all I care. It doesn't matter one bit whose opinion they get on who to nominate, as long as only citizens 18 and over vote in the general elections.
Facetious, you say? You betcha!
Illegal, not one damn bit.
The sad fact is that political parties have placed constrictions on elections by shutting out potential candidates. The Constitution does not mention political parties. In fact, the word "party" only appears four times in the entire document, but is used in a legal context, referring to a person, defendant or claimant. Now, that does not deny political parties the right to exist or to nominate one of their own for any political office.
It does, however, make plain that political parties are outside the normal workings of government and aside from their right to exist, have no specific or granted authority within the establishments of government. Some people think that the Speaker of the House or President pro tempore of the Senate is supposed to be from the party with the largest representation in each chamber. Uh-uh. It just always turns out that way because partisanship has become so prevalent in our government.
Remember the warning George Washington gave in his farewell address about the rise of political parties:
"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."
GEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, Sep. 17, 1796
So, what does all this mean?
It means that parties may use any means they see fit (so long as they do not violate other established laws) to determine who they wish to nominate and support for office. If they want to allow seventeen year-olds to vote under certain restrictions, I say go for it.
If we want to see an end to partisanship, at least in presidential elections, one way might be for there to be a Constitutional amendment requiring that Presidential elections may not be set up along party lines. People running may belong to any party they desire, of course, but there can be no more "and the Democratic/Republican/Green nominee is..." If something like that were the process now, then the slate of candidates might look very different this year, indeed! You'd probably see Romney, Huckabee, McCain, Clinton and Obama all opposing each other - as well as a whole host others. Wow...REAL choice...what a concept.
I would also love to see a two step election process. The first election would be likely be an electoral split between several candidates. The second election would be a run-off between the two candidates who get the largest number of electoral votes in the first. Imagine that! It could actually be a final election where it's Hillary vs. Obama or Romney vs. McCain. Again, I say, why not - if that's how it turns out?
Again, real choice to decide. Oh, if only...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
A Question of Experience
Kudos to John McCain for his selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate. I think it was a good pick. Obviously, if you consider the campaign to be a chess game, then this was brilliant because it completely nullifies the "firstness" of the Democratic ticket. But I like the choice for reasons other than Governor Palin's gender.
First, I like her history of bucking the trend in the GOP because it has become stodgy. She is an individual who sticks to her beliefs, and though many are along already established GOP lines, she is definitely not, pardon the expression, a member of the "old-boy network."
Second, she is a constitutionalist. I respect that she looks at the constitutionality of legislation and not her personal views - case in point the legislation on providing partner benefits to gay couples. She's against gay marriage, but upon consultation, her Attorney General said legislation banning benefits would be against the Alaska constitution, so she vetoed it. This may not be popular with many hard core Conservatives, but it's fair and that is what a President needs to be.
Next, I think it was a smart pick because Ms. Palin does not need to confront any prior statements attacking her running mate, as Mr. Biden will (or should). By picking someone outside the Presidential race, McCain has avoided controversy and created a unified ticket from day one. One of the worst things that can happen to a candidate is to start their run as an apologist for themselves.
Lastly, and maybe most important...of all four people running on the Dem & GOP tickets, she actually has the most practical and relevant experience to the job of President because she has been a chief executive twice. She was a mayor, albeit of a small town, then Governor of a state. She has had to deal with legislative bodies, sign or veto bills, confront lobbyists, provide balance between the branches - all the things presidents have to do. If the Republicans win in November, she will have the perfect position from which to build on that experience.
Given Senator Obama's abysmal attendance and voting record, how can he really attack her on experience, anyway? Oh, I can see the slogan now:
"Why wait for a tragedy to get an inexperienced President? Save time and elect one from the start! I'm Barack Obama and I approved this message"
Right...that'll work!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Words of Wisdom...
"Russians don't behave the way they do because they're Czarist or Bolshevik or Communist. They behave that way because they're Russians."
'Nuff said!
Monday, August 11, 2008
A Numbers Game
The three branches of our government, about which we were all taught in grade school (one hopes), consist of 545 people:
Legislative Branch: 435 Representatives & 100 Senators
Executive Branch: 1 President
Judicial Branch: 9 Supreme Court Justices
This coming election day, 470 (or 86%) of these people are up for re-election.
Why are we spending all our time worrying about only one?
Constitutionally, the President is pretty impotent in that he can do very little without the advice and consent of Congress. Sadly, people have forgotten about our representatives in the House and Senate, bypassing them completely and placing all their hopes, praise and blame on the President. But that is not how our government is supposed to work. By design, that was intentional - why do you think the the Legislative Branch (congress) is in Article 1 and it is so long whereas the Executive Branch is discussed second in Article 2 and it is so much shorter? The President is only the leader of our republic - our union of sovereign states. He or She is not directly responsible to us - our Representatives in the House are. The leader of our Democracy is really the Speaker of the House - currently Ms. Nancy Pelosi of California.
Politics, like nature, abhors a vacuum. If the President seeks Congress' input, and we haven't been writing or calling our representatives regularly supplying it, then all they have to go on is their own opinions. While that may be appropriate at times for Senators, it is not for representatives. But, how many people even know who their Representative in the House is? If we, as citizens, aren't stepping up to our responsibilities and don't force our government to work the way the Constitution dictates, then we share the blame with our Representatives when abuses occur.
The remedy is clear. First, we must clean house - literally. All 435 members of the House of Representatives should be seriously challenged for their jobs, and many should be replaced. Let's give another meaning to the percentage up for re-election and really think about 86ing the dead wood! Second, we need to make sure the newly elected President and Congressmen, regardless of who they may be, truly understand the Constitutional limits of their jobs. Third, we as a citizenry need to become more vocal and remind those who we elected to represent us for whom they really work and that we are constantly watching.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Down The Rabbit Hole
It seems Congressman Kucinich is no longer alone in Wonderland. Recently, certain members of the U.S. Congress have followed him down the rabbit hole of partisan politics, led by Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. In the past month, Ms. Pelosi, and several of her peers, have not only attacked the President, but have also essentially turned tail and fled the House to avoid having to so much as debate the controversial issue of offshore drilling. What is it you’re afraid of, Ms. Pelosi? Staging a walkout has most likely just strengthened the resolve of your Conservative peers and their supporters.
In addition to not making tactical sense, Ms. Pelosi’s action has also shown a sad lack of character which is essential to the position she so happily occupies. How can there possibly be any issue which is so hot that it can’t even be touched by the supposed representatives of the people? I’m curious as to how many liberals actually support the cowardly action of the Speaker and their representatives.
No leader in
As the nation barrels on toward the November elections, I'm sure the authors of the document fundamental to forming today’s government would be spinning in their graves hearing how it is being misquoted and misused day after day by those sworn to uphold it.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Kicinich in Wonderland!
Next, I mention revenge - specifically for the impeachment of President Clinton. Well, as I have said many times, President Clinton was not, I repeat, WAS NOT impeached for having an affair. He was also not impeached for lying about the affair in his famous "I did not have sexual relations" speech. President Clinton was impeached for the crime of perjury. If you consult a dictionary, perjury is defined as "the willful giving of false testimony under oath or affirmation, before a competent tribunal, upon a point material to a legal inquiry." The fact that he gave false testimony about the affair is irrelevant. He could have lied about what he had for breakfast that morning. It doesn't matter. The point is he lied, under oath. That is a felony. As a lawyer, he should be well aware of the definition of perjury...even if he doesn't know the exact definition of the word "is." He also willingly obstructed the investigation. Another impeachable offense.
Lastly, I mention desperation. People are so emotional about Bush that they will do anything to see him out of office - even make up claims. But, President Bush has committed no crimes against US laws or the Constitution. All his actions have been taken with the full advice and consent of the Congress - per the requirements of the Constitution. If they hadn't been, he WOULD have been impeached long ago. There is no evidence he knowingly used false reasons for invading Iraq. All the intelligence we had from our own sources as well as those of other countries pointed to Saddam Hussein working hard to develop chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. In fact, Hussein admitted as much in his ~12,000 page report to the UN - he said he destroyed the programs. So, if he destroyed them, he must have had them in the first place. The problem is that his say-so that he destroyed them wasn't enough. The UN resolutions required verification and Hussein didn't cooperate fully - in some cases, barely at all.
It's ironic, actually. We went into Iraq in the first place to support 14 UN resolutions calling for Iraq to disarm. The UN is the Demo-libs' baby and we're supposed to kowtow to it's alleged wisdom and authority. So why do people get all in a tizzy when we decide to put teeth behind the UN's resolutions? The resolutions did say (to paraphrase) destroy and verify or else. Well, we finally provided the or else. We weren't alone, either, you know. Is the UN calling for war-crimes trials against the US or any of its leaders? Not that I've heard. After all, only they can truly try someone for global issues and general crimes against humanity...not us. I mean, we don't run the world. We may fund, feed, clothe, medicate, rescue, rebuild and defend much of the world, acts for which we get little or no credit or praise whatsoever, but we don't run it. However, the Demo-libs think we are trying to. And because of their anger that their golden boy fell from grace, they will continue to cry impeachment anytime a Republican President says "boo."
Personally, I think the "party of the people" should stick to what it has historically been best at:
* raising taxes
* increasing spending
* raising the rate of inflation
* chasing businesses and jobs overseas with over-regulation
* limiting the free speech of its opponents
* keeping minorities down and buying votes with impotent social programs
* usurping the rights of the states to govern themselves
* allowing run-away public excesses of otherwise private behavior
* limiting citizen's rights to protect themselves
* stealing citizens' homes in the name of eminent domain
* protecting murderers from execution while allowing late term abortions
Surely, with all these things on their agenda, they should have little time to add the folly of inappropriate impeachment proceedings.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Thoughts on Nancy Pelosi
22 Jan 2001 $1.51
21 Jan 2002 $1.15
20 Jan 2003 $1.50
19 Jan 2004 $1.64
24 Jan 2005 $1.90
23 Jan 2006 $2.38
22 Jan 2007 $2.22
21 Jan 2008 $3.07
14 Jul 2008 $4.08
So, what does this show? It shows that during the first 6 years of Bush's presidency, gas prices rose only $0.71 total, or an average of about $0.12 per year. Since January 2007 when the Democrat led 110th Congress took over with Nancy Pelosi as Speaker, gas prices have risen $1.86 in 1-1/2 years, or an average of 1.24 per year...10 times Bush's 6 year average and over 2.5 times Bush's worst yearly average of $0.48 (2005-06).
Similarly, unemployment took a precipitous rise following Ms. Pelosi assuming the leadership of the House. This after President Bush and the three previous congresses had fought the number back down following 9/11. Additionally, although the Consumer Price Index has experienced discrete ups and downs every 4-6 months over the last 16 years, there was no discernable trend other than increasing magnitude of fluctuations. However, since June 2007, the graph shows a definite increasing trend.
Prices and indicators fluctuate and things could change dramatically for the better in the next 6 months, but the data doesn't trend that way. Are these the result of Bush's bad policies finally taking effect or is the fact that they happened immediately or shortly after Ms. Pelosi became Speaker an indication of a national lack of confidence with congress - as is indicated by the lowest ever approval rating?
I think before Ms. Pelosi calls the President a total failure, she should see to her own record of leadership. If President Bush is a total failure as the leader of our republic, then the data shows that Ms. Pelosi is an utter abomination as the leader of our democracy.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
A Question for Mr. Gore
What if, even if everyone follows all of your suggestions to the letter, we can't stop global warming?
I ask because in spite of our best efforts and intentions, it is entirely possible that we may not be able to stop the environment from changing. In that event, shouldn't we have a back-up plan? Something like, I don't know, how to live on a warmer planet? Take energy, for example. We know how bad things are now with everyone worried about heating oil prices. What will happen when the problem of staying warm in the winter becomes dwarfed by how to stay cool in the summer? What about mass migration of termites North into warmer climes where wood framed houses are the norm? How about mosquitoes? You think they're bad now?
I think I know why Mr. Gore, the great humanitarian, isn't bothering to tell us what to do in case the worst happens. Because he doesn't believe the worst will happen. Mr. Gore is a con artist. He is also a the worst nightmare of all of us who work in scientific fields. He's a layman with an agenda trying to explain scientific principles to other laymen. He is dangerous.
See my previous posting A Perspective on Global Warming.
What about this scenario, instead?
What if Mr. Gore knows the worst really won't happen. But, if he tells us it will, and scares us enough into actions (regardless that they may have no real effect on the climate), when nothing does happen, he's a hero. And he'll ride that wave into the White House, or at least the history books. It's fool proof. The problem is that most people (laymen or not) are not fools.
A conspiracy theory? Maybe. But I could swear I've heard this before. Oh yeah, now I remember. It's the same thing liberals have been saying about President Bush and the possibility of another terrorist attack. They say it's all hype and he uses scare tactics to maintain his power base.
There is one difference, however. The planet doesn't hate us and hasn't specifically said that it wants us dead.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
There Can Be No "No-Show" Voters
have decided they will boycott the general elections altogether and stay
home. Well, if you're going to do that, why not take it all the way and GO
to the polls and vote for Hilary Clinton or Barack Obama. After all, either
way the result is the same. Let's do a thought experiment and check it out:
* 100 people can vote, 50 Republicans, 50 Democrats
* 25 Republicans don't like their nominee, so they stay home
* The Democrat wins 50 to 25.
* If the 25 who stayed home voted for the Democrat instead, the margin
would be 75 to 25.
Either way, the Democrat wins, so they might as well just show their true
colors and go out and vote for the Democrat. However, if they think about
it for a minute and compare the good and bad between both party's
candidates, they may realize something important. Although Sen. McCain was
not their first choice (or in my case, not the second or third, either),
they may realize that he far better supports a majority of what they stand
for than does the Democratic candidate. At least that's how I came to my
decision to support the gentleman from Arizona.
I started out supporting Fred Thompson. Then, after he withdrew, I hovered
between Romney and Huckabee. When it appeared McCain had secured the
nomination, I thought about the possibility of supporting Senator Obama
(Senator Clinton was never even an option). So, I watched a couple of the
Democratic debates. What I saw, forced me to take a serious look at both
candidates and I did a side by side comparison. What I realized was that
although I disagreed with McCain on some issues, I disagreed with Obama on
more. The result? I will be supporting John McCain for president.
I strongly urge those Republicans thinking of sitting this one out to
consider, very carefully, the consequences of their actions. Not showing up
could very possibly lead to the election of a candidate with whom they
disagree much more than Senator McCain. If that happens, they must bear the
responsibility for anything a Democratic president does the same as if they
had voted for him/her themselves.
Think it over!
You may disagree with Senator McCain, but remember: sometimes you get to
vote for the candidate you want; sometimes you need to vote against the one
you don't want more!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Thought For The Day
- Prince Philip of Great Britain -
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Questions for Environmentalists
1: Do you know what is the proper amount of CO2 in the atmosphere...by
percentage? Does anyone?
2: How much has atmospheric CO2 increased over the last 50 years? 100
3: How do you know the majority of the additional CO2 is man made?
4: What part does the interaction between the atmosphere, solar radiation
and the Earth's magnetic field play?
5: What are all the variables that affect the global average temperature?
6: How do you know that CO2 is a cause of increased global temperature
instead of an indicator of it?
7: If reducing atmospheric CO2 levels fast enough to stop global warming
isn't possible, shouldn't we also be thinking of ways to adapt to living in
a warmer world?
8: Is it true that just breaking the soil to grow corn for biofuels releases
vast amounts of trapped CO2 into the atmosphere?
9: What can be done to reduce the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico caused by
pesticides washed down the Mississippi River from the Midwest?
10: Wouldn't the dead zone increase if farmers grow even more corn, which
requires large amounts of pesticides?
11: The ice caps are getting thicker. Wouldn't the increased pressure cause
them to move faster towards the sea and therefore cleave of more frequently?
12: I used to hear that everything we used to get from whales can be made
synthetically, but where would we be allowed to build the chemical plants?
13: People won't adopt new technology if its too expensive. Bringing prices
down requires increased efficiency - which requires time - sometimes
decades. Wouldn't it be wise to find cheap, domestic sources of oil in the
mean time and continue to improve it?
14: France is almost completely powered by nuclear energy. It sounds like
they've figured it out. Shouldn't we model their system to help reduce our
dependence on oil?
Just thought I'd ask...
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Primary Seconds
Those adjectives, contradictory and mutually exclusive as they may be, begin to explain how I feel on Super Tuesday. Oh, I voted, alright, but I didn't actually vote for anyone today...and I won't be voting for anyone in November. Nope, today, my vote was against someone, as it will be in November.
You're confused? Think how I feel! The problem I am facing is that with Fred Thompson out of the race, there are no candidates for whom I can muster any great enthusiasm. I know who I don't want for one or more reasons. But, when I remove those people from the equation, what's left leaves me feeling like I just ate a three course meal made entirely of air...I not only want more...I need more.
Not one of the candidates really speaks for me. With two of them, it's actually painful to listen to them say anything (one from each party). Another says some things I like, but his chances make the perverbial "snowball's chance in hell" seem like a sure thing. So, I'm left with luke warm enthusiasm as I prepare for a general presidential election where I cannot play wide-receiver or punter. Instead, I'm just a tackle - my only job to sack the other team's QB before he can pass.
I know defense has it's place - they're important, too. But I've been doing that so long. The last really enthusiastic vote I cast for President was my first in 1984, for Ronald Reagan. Since then, it's been down hill. I'd like to think we've hit bottom, but people can get pretty banal, so it could get worse.
God help us if it does.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Logic for the Death Penalty
"When someone has cancer, they go to the doctor and the tumor is removed. Now, does the doctor place the tumor in a Petri dish, wait for the tumor to become nice cells and then put them back in the patient? No, he destroys them. Murderers are cancers on the body of our society. Once convicted, they should be executed."
This makes complete sense to me. Obviously, we need to be sure - not just beyond a reasonable doubt - but 100% sure. And the crime must warrant death - self defense, accidents, negligence don't qualify in my opinion. But violent, pre-meditated, in the commission of a crime, or of a police officer - for these things justice should be swift and certain. While I wouldn't deliberately try to make the killers suffer during the execution, if it happened at times...I wouldn't cry, either.
The President is not a Monarch
Attention Americans everywhere...READ THE CONSTITUTION!
The President of the United States is not a monarch, and was never meant to be. The President is also not the most important person in our government. Years of gradual abuse and misuse of the office, lack of proper use of checks and balances, lack of active participation by the majority of citizens and finally the media's love of one-stop-shopping for heroes and scapegoats have fostered and cemented in the national consciousness the fallacy that the President is somehow solely responsible for the state of our nation and lives. Balderdash!
Sadly, people routinely overlook Congress, or merely see them as secondary to the job of governing. Somehow, they forget what we were all taught in our history classes; things like all money bills originate in the House, or that a vote of the Senate is required to formally declare war. For example, if you ask people who the leader of our nation is, they will most likely say, and rightly so, the President. I say rightly because the President is the person who represents us to the rest of the world. He is our "front-man." But, if you ask them the slightly different question, "Who is the leader of our democracy?" they will also probably say the President and that is the wrong answer. The leader of our democracy is the Speaker of the House of Representatives - a position currently held by Ms. Nancy Pelosi of California.
The Constitution provides for the President to be elected by a blending of popular and state consensus. As such, he (or someday, she) is the leader of our union of sovereign states, our Republic. Our democracy is vested solely in the House of Representatives. It is there that officials are elected based on population alone. Most people don't realize this so it should be no surprise that they don't even know who Ms. Pelosi is. Worse, they also don't know who their prime conduit to the Speaker of the House is...their elected representative in the House. Ask 100 people who their Congressional Representative is and I believe most will not know the person's name, let alone how to contact them. How utterly sad.
The point I am trying to make is important for two main reasons. First, that the President is not the be-all and end-all of American politics and government. The other branches of our government are just as important and as Americans, we need to utilize those avenues to seek the changes and results we feel necessary. The power to enact legislation begins with us and flows to Congress. Laws in this country are supposed to be made for the common good, certainly not to secure a power base or win an election. Second, be VERY VERY wary of the promises made by ANY Presidential candidate. Often, the things they discuss are not theirs to promise in the first place. The president may suggest legislation, budgets or resolutions, but these things go nowhere without Congress.
Additionally, you will find that many of the planks of their platforms are not even the job of the federal government. According to the 10th Amendment, if a responsibility isn't specifically given to one of the three branches of the federal government, or if is specifically denied, then it belongs to the states or the people only. Therefore, such issues as abortion, healthcare, education, stem cell research, welfare, family values and gun control, among others, are not the responsibility of the federal government, let alone the President, and candidates shouldn't even be talking about them. These issues require attention, to be sure, but they are the responsibility of the states only.
Too long the federal government has been meddling in affairs to which it has no right. Our government was created as a republic so the states could maintain their sovereignty over most matters and in order to prevent the central government from wielding too much power. The fault for the change in direction from the original ideals of 1787 rests with no one but ourselves. We, as a citizenry, have become complacent. I suppose it's easier to follow a single leader than worry about several.
But that's a lazy approach to citizenship. In truth, our government really has four branches. We are the fourth branch. And if one branch passively surrenders its responsibilities, rest assured that one or more of the others will be willing to step in and assume them. Politics, like nature, also abhors a vacuum. Our general lack of knowledge about the workings of our government is a poor excuse for giving away our individual rights, or those of our states.
So, please, read the Constitution, word for word. Discuss and debate it with others. It's certainly more important than Britney or Paris and I'm sure you'll find it more interesting. Then, when you vote in the primaries, caucuses or general election for President, make sure the candidate you choose isn't just saying things you want to hear. Make sure they really understand the job for which they are applying - not just its powers, but also its limits!
More on this to come...the rant has only just begun!