Friday, December 28, 2007

The Primaries - My Predictions

So, only 6 days left until the primaries officially start. Then we'll finally start the weeding out process. One by one, the weak, or at least weak-hearted candidates will start to fall away. I predict it won't be too long before there are only 3 or 4 candidates left on each side.

For the Republicans, those four will be Giuliani, Romney, Thompson and maybe Huckabee. Although I realize he's ahead of my man, Fred, in the polls, I just don't think McCain has the temerity to stick with it to the convention. He looks tired - whether it's of the campaign or politics in general I can't say.

Among the Democrats, I think it's obvious that the big three will be Clinton, Obama and Edwards. I don't really know too much about that side of the race - it's kind of like paying attention to only the American or National League during baseball season. But what I do know says these three appear to be the only real contenders.

If you are interested, there is a website that appears to give a comprehensive and fairly impartial listing of the candidates positions on a wide variety of important topics. Go to

It's good reading.

Be well and remember to vote!


  1. The republican field is very weak - your man lost his streetcred when he had a chance to beat GW, got his clock cleaned in SC and then went on to suck up to GW for several years - so much for straight talk. (Why the anonymity?)

  2. Doug, thanks for the comment. As for anonymity...just a personal preference. As for Fred you elude to in your post about's too early and it's still anyone's race. I personally think Fred's waiting until the wheat is separated from the chaff, so to speak. At least I hope times he's too laid back for my comfort level. But I like his ideas and the way he presents himself. Both substance and appearance are important. The last two presidents only had one of those traits - in my opinion anyway - debating who had which is something I don't want to get into because it would take hours and few minds would be changed. Best to agree to disagree! Regards.
