Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fred Gains Ground!

Well, it was only a matter of time. Fred Thompson is now (statistically)
tied with Rudy Giuliani for the lead among the GOP candidates. While I
don't place much stock in polls as final determiners, this one does show
several things: first the general dissatisfaction Republicans have with the
other candidates, and second, the potential Fred Thompson has to win this
race. Let's face it, he was second without actually running, now after only
a week, he is tied with the leader. With this kind of momentum, the
possibilities are looking pretty good.

Now, to keep things moving, Senator Thompson needs to push for his 1-on-1
debates - and lots of them. He should start with Huckabee since he was the
first to accept, then keep working through the crowd. Hey, while he's at
it, debate some Democrat contenders also. There's nothing in the rules that
says he can't. I know other polls show Hilliary and Obama leading over
Fred, but the people just need to see the man in action.

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