Saturday, September 08, 2007

Senator Craig, Stay Resigned

I maintain my position on Senator Craig's restroom incident - that the
police officer was over-zealous, the transcript was ludicrous and one sided,
and that he shouldn't have plead guilty and shouldn't have resigned.

Having said all that, now that he HAS resigned, he should not do an
about-face. I say this for the same reasons I say he shouldn't have plead
guilty and shouldn't have resigned in the first made him appear
weak-spined. Now, waffling on whether or not to stay in office only makes
him appear more so.

This isn't an indictment of Senator Craig's career, service or general
character - no doubt the recent events have sent his life and mind spinning.
However, he needs to stick by his decision to resign - there can be no
turning back.

Senator Craig, go ahead and fight your legal battle over the guilty plea -
and best of luck there! But as for your Senate seat, go gracefully. Doing
so will allow you a final measure of self and public respect.

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