Sunday, September 09, 2007

Why Don't People Think Anymore?

I was on my way home from work and came to a "T" intersection with a stop
sign for me - the side road. I needed to turn left, so I stopped at the
line, then pulled up to see around the corner in both directions. Just then,
a driver that wants to turn right pulls up on my right a bit ahead of me and
blocks my view so I can no longer see right, but he can see left. So I pull
a little further ahead, restoring my view and blocking his. And this
numbskull has the nerve to shoot me a dirty look.


If I'm turning left, I need to be able to see both directions. And if it's
safe for me to turn, then it is, by default, safe for the dumb-dumb next to
me to turn also. But just because it's safe for him to turn right, doesn't
mean that there isn't a car coming from that direction preventing me from
turning left.

Why don't people think??? Is it that hard to work out the logic, and maybe,
also apply a little consideration in the process?


  1. That happens to me all the time. I drive a compact and it always seems that a van or SUV will pull up and block my view and they can see right over the top of my car!
    So now when I come to an intersection or pull out from a parking lot I pull to the left if I am turning right or right if I am turning left, blocking them.
    Technically they are passing in an intersection.

  2. Given this specific scenario, I can recall times that I've done this at a stop light. I've never done this at a stop sign, though. I never knew this was against the law, per say, but I always suspected its unorthodox practice because it's one of those areas of driving that is often times misinterpreted by people who should know--and when you go to these people for driving tips, well...

    Anyway, out of anything mentioned in the original post, I would say shame on that person for reacting that way. In reality, however, you can't act surprised. It seems that everyone has problems driving anymore.

  3. Why has no-one answered the question? The author has posted querying people's lack of initiative and a generally prevalent perceived lack of perception... And the people above start talking about driving habits!

    Says it all. I think that the above people have missed the point, and proved it. That takes some doing, well done guys!
